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  • Writer's pictureTerry Bierwirth

I Love My Trade - Tiffany Fairman, Plumber

In honor of #NationalSkilledTradesDay May 6, 2020, we launched a series called I Love My Trade. We connected with Tiffany Fairman, a 35-year-old plumber from Nova Scotia, Canada. We are taking this opportunity to extend the recognition of people in the trades to our neighbors to the north. Here is Tiffany's inspiring story:

I was a single mother of three living in Nova Scotia, busting my butt for $300 a week. My children’s aunt told me about a woman in a trades program called Women Unlimited. I was late applying because I never thought trades would be something I could do being a 5’ tall and 120 lbs. I also had my doubts because I was a full-time single mom with three children. However, I made the appointment and met with one of the most amazing women I had ever known. I took the 3-month course and it taught me so much about being a strong, independent woman and introduced me to every trade Nova Scotia Community College had to offer. I fell in love with the pipe trades program. I completed a two-year course and now I am a plumber!

It wasn’t super easy. It was a lot of hard work and there were a lot of obstacles. To be honest, I am still fighting my way up. I still find it hard to go to school to finish my apprenticeship, juggling three kids, studying, and making enough money to get by.

I still get the odd person questioning my ability and I still have to work harder than the average man, but it’s worth it! I love my job. I get complete satisfaction when I finish a project and I’m an essential worker! My goal is to start my own plumbing company with all women and inspire women and young women to try out a trade

Follow Fairman on Instagram

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Unknown member
Nov 20, 2020

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